Hey, Coach!
7/8/2021 (Permalink)
SERVPRO of Spencer & Iowa Great Lakes is a proud supporter of youth athletics in the surrounding communities. This year our owners, Ryan and Kristine Brooks, coached with Bridget Bailey, the boys 3rd and 4th grade Cap League team. In addition to this team we were proud to sponsor Okoboji's boys Major League and Spencer's boys Babe Ruth.
Getting kids involved in youth sports benefits their health, improves coordination, allows them to make friends, show them the value of good sportsmanship, educates them about respecting authority, teaches them to work as a team, and above all else, it's fun!
Baseball is one of the most loved and popular sports in the US. Looking forward to games, watching your child's talent improve, and quality family time are all fantastic reasons to be part of a team. Little league stays with you. The friendships, the mentors (hey, coach!), the victories, and the losses. They are memories with intense staying power for every player.